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Nov 30, 2022

We have been hypnotized into believing we came here empty and must fill ourselves up. But the truth is, we brought everything we’ll ever need with us. You are not on your way to something—more health, wealth, love, or joy—you are literally coming from it. When you can understand and practice this daily, you...

Nov 28, 2022

ASK DEREK - Why Aren't My Prayers Answered?

We have learned to pray amiss. We pray FOR things, instead of understanding that we must pray FROM the Thing Itself. The truth is that everything is already within us, and the only way to have more come into our lives is to let more life come out of us!

To do this, we must...

Nov 25, 2022

Stay Rooted as You Rise: The secret to unending growth, success, and abundance.

When we start to get some level of success in any are of our life and we’re not in pain or lack anymore, we have a tendency to take things for granted and get more focused on the ‘fruits’ instead of the ‘roots’ that got us there....

Nov 23, 2022

Why Can’t You Get What You Don’t Have?

We’ve been conditioned to believe that life is an outside-in game, that we are separate from life, from each other and from all the things we want. So much of how we’ve developed and conditioned our mind, emotions and our body to live in this world are based on beliefs and...

Nov 22, 2022

We hear the expression “I’m just going to go with the flow” a lot from heart-centered, spiritually-minded people, or even those who are just trying to have less stress in their life.

In many cases, this is a stall tactic or an avoidance tactic. It’s an egoic defense mechanism – what it really means is,...