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May 31, 2020

Conditions don't determine our destiny, our character does -- and our character is made up of a program that we create. In this talk, Derek explores how to become the change you want to see in the world, no matter what the world looks like!

May 24, 2020

Locked within us is a storehouse full of treasures, but we cannot access them when we seek fulfillment mostly from the world. During our most challenging times, this becomes more important than ever -- because it's in the midst of a crisis that we have the greatest opportunity to unlock this storehouse. In this talk,...

May 17, 2020

The deepest healing and growth happens when we meet a condition we can't control and, instead of fighting or fleeing from it, we learn how to embrace and integrate it -- and increase our capacity to allow more life to flow through us. In this talk, Derek explains how we can meet any pain, problem, or loss in a way that...

May 14, 2020

We all live in two houses, the house of this world and all its pain and struggle and ambition, and the house of love, which has become covered up by so many layers of survival and protection -- and caused us to create a world based largely on fear and separation. It often takes a crisis to set us free and unleash...

May 10, 2020

During times of great turmoil or disruption, in our personal lives as well as in the world, many old and new stories compete for our attention in an attempt to evolve a new story. The question is, which one will win? In this talk, I show you how to interpret these stories and discover the greatest story emerging for you...